January 2016 Workout Wish List

I’m currently watching the Warriors vs. Mavericks, and thinking about how much I need to exercise. Here are the fitness clothes and accessories that I’ve been eyeing lately:

January 2016 Workout Wish List

November 2015 Fitness Goals

Here are my monthly Workout Wednesdays goals:

  • Start practicing yoga again.
  • Do some form of physical activity every day.
  • Go running at least once a week.
  • Eat more fruit.
  • Drink a lot of water.

I was also supposed to start the Blogilates Beginner’s 2.0 calendar today, but I went to Wingstop instead. I think I’ll save that one for December… or January.

This month’s cardio playlist:

Fall Workouts

Towards the end of summer, I completely fell out of my workout routine. I stopped practicing yoga, stopped going to the climbing gym, and definitely didn’t do any cardio. Work got busier and, consequently, working out was no longer a priority. Instead of going to the gym 2-3 times a week, I started getting milk tea 2-3 times a week–you know, stress relief. As a result, I have turned into a boba-consuming-Hulu-binging-workaholic-blob.

With the colder weather approaching, it’s time for me to start making healthy choices again (before the holidays come and completely screw me over). I’ve been eating healthier meals, tracking my food intake, and counting my steps. I’ve also been doing some research on yoga studios and other fitness facilities–mostly on Groupon because I’m cheap–and have decided to try barre classes. If you don’t know about the barre workout, check out this detailed article from Greatist. I’ll be trying out my first barre class this Friday and I’m very excited and scared at the same time. Wish me luck!

Are you looking for a new fall workout? Here are some things you can try:

Lastly, I don’t have a cardio playlist for this month (because I haven’t been doing any), but here’s a “Pop-Filled Workout Soundtrack For Fall” from POPSUGAR.

My favorite yoga poses

The end of August was very physically and emotionally draining for me. During such stressful times, I usually seek yoga practice in order to calm my mind and relax the body.

I recently switched yoga studios, and the experience has been so different–not in a bad way, but in the sense that I’m learning many new things. Every instructor has their own teaching style, as well as their own favorite poses. Using that as my inspiration, for this edition of Workout Wednesdays, I want to share my favorite yoga poses with all of you.

You should be able to do most of these at a beginner’s level. Check them out individually, or complete them all in your next practice! Poses 1 through 4 are a very common sequence, and one of my favorites to flow through.

  1. High Plank
  2. Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga)
  3. Downward-Facing Dog
  4. Upward-Facing Dog
  5. Boat Pose
  6. Dancer’s Pose
  7. Plow Pose
  8. Supported Shoulderstand
  9. Bridge Pose
  10. Pigeon Pose

Do you have any favorite poses? Let me know in the comments!

The ABC Workout, yoga support, rock climbing, and more

Last month, I discussed my plan to become a morning person. Sadly, that didn’t work out so well–actually, it didn’t work at all. I did, however, start doing cardio again, and I also bought membership at a rock climbing gym. Making use of three simultaneous gym memberships is tough, but it offers me a well-rounded mix of exercises throughout the week. The remaining challenge is to complete all of my scheduled workouts, which is definitely not an easy thing.

On some days, I just can’t seem to find the time or energy to make it to the gym. When that happens, I like to do a little something at home. Even 10 minutes of activity can make a difference. For some quick toning, check out this Abs, Butt, and Core (ABC) Workout from Glamour. You’ll be surprised to see what you can accomplish in such a short amount of time!

New to yoga or need some help holding your poses? Check out The Nail-Your-Next-Yoga-Class Workout for strengthening moves that will help you perfect that warrior, bridge, chaturanga, bow, and more. I’ll definitely be doing this circuit tomorrow morning. Jumping back into yoga after missing class for two weeks is tough.

Rock climbing is great for building strength and endurance. It also makes my arms hurt like crazy… Anyway, this article from The Huffington Post outlines some awesome benefits of rock climbing. Looking for climbing shoes? I found this guide from REI to be extremely helpful. Yeah, they’re expensive, but it beats having to borrow smelly, old shoes every time.

Increasing research has suggested that exercise can lower the risk or recurrence of breast cancer [breastcancer.org]. A study published earlier this month demonstrated that “moderate to vigorous exercise for 300 min/wk was superior to 150 min/wk” for fat reduction and possibly lowering the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Now you have even more reason to get those workouts in!

Finally, here’s this month’s official Workout Wednesdays playlist:

Happy exercising! Don’t forget to drink lots of water to stay “cool for the summer.”